Daily Archives: February 23, 2011

Wednesday’s gone Sour. :|

Ugh. Good afternoon.

As of this moment, I am completely infuriated. On normal Wednesdays I would be happily sleeping upstairs in the house. But I’m not. All because someone was a horrible planner.

My Wednesday was pretty much normal, other than my failed attempt at trying to learn dancing, but that’s all right. Heck, I wouldn’t have mind having Isis, PM, and Anna troll me the rest of the day, if that would change what happened. 😐

I got home early, as I always do during Wednesdays. When I came home, I found out -someone- had apparently locked the gates. That wouldn’t have been much of a problem, as long as they still left the key at it’s hiding place. But it wasn’t there when I checked it. Then I thought, “Heck, climb over the gate.” And so I did. Or I wanted to, until I saw that the screen door was also locked. Damn.

I had figured that if the front was open, it would mean they went out back. If that was the case, I could go that way. I threw my bag over the gate and left it there, to reduce load. I then made my way there, only to find out the gate connecting our subdivision to the neighboring one(to where the back door opens to) was locked. I couldn’t climb that one, it had barbed wire everywhere. Fiddlesticks.

I went back to square one, and waited till 4:40 before my aunt came around. She told me that she had brought my brother to their house, and stayed there. She told me she had texted me about it. Well, for starters, I can’t always have my phone with me, because on Wednesdays, phones are a lot harder to hide. And to think about it, she knows that I come home early, so why lock the door and not leave the key? In short, I am ANNOYED. 😐

To think, I came home at around 3:45, and I only get it at 4:40? Awesome. NOT.

Nightsoul Bladeheart

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